The ‘marGnet’ project Consortium represents a consolidated partnership of organizations that have successfully cooperated in past projects and initiatives. The project Consortium integrates scientific and technical bodies, an innovative start up SMEs and NGO which could not only support the holistic approach of the project along the whole ML chain, being able to tackle all the aspects linked to prevention, removal and recycling of ML, but also have the capacity to pave the way for the further uptaking of the project results at policy level, ensuring therefore its sustainability.
In particular, the project Consortium is made of the following entities:

– CNR ISMAR: The coordinator; it has a strong experience in project related to analysing and modelling ML, amongst others the LIFE GHOST project. It brings scientific competences and according to its institutional law, it acts as scientific advisor in the policy-making process, supporting therefore the provision of recommendations by the ‘marGnet’ project and catalysing the further adoption at institutional level. Within the project, it is responsible for technical and scientific activities related to the development of integrated acoustic methodologies and predictive models as well as for ensuring a proper networking, beyond management activities.

– BWI: It is a NGO with a strong focus on monitoring and conservation of the large marine vertebrate species of the Adriatic Sea to help to stop the loss of biodiversity, maintain favorable conservation status of these species, and keep good environmental status. In the ‘marGnet’ project, it is responsible for the communication and dissemination activities and for the field operations in HR. Moreover, thanks to its consolidated role of policy-making process influencer, it supports the policy uptake of project results.

– Laguna Project: It has consolidated competences in environmental monitoring of North Adriatic and Venice lagoon ecosystems and it brings the experience of LIFE GHOST project, in which it developed scientific methods to map the ALDFG and the protocols for their sustainable removal (from the environmental and security point of view). It therefore contributes in providing these methods and protocols in order to apply and improve them. In particular it supports the lead partner in managing the project.