To achieve the project objectives 5 workpackages (WPs) are defined as followed:
WP 1 – Management
WP1 covers the overall legal, contractual, financial and administrative management of the project and establishes a reliable and stable contact with the EASME throughout the Project duration.
WP 2 – Communication & Dissemination Activities
In WP2 the partners will undertake specific dissemination actions to promote the project’s results. Activities of this WP aim to inform the project stakeholders as well as the general public about the advantages arising from the establishment of measures to prevent and manage the phenomenon of marine litter.
WP 3 – Calibration and High-Resolution Mapping of Marine Litter on the Sea-floor
The main objective of the WP3 is to develop and implement a new processing workflow with dedicated algorithms for the analysis of the high resolution acoustic seabed data in order to recognise as many categories of benthic marine litter as possible.
WP 4 – Application of Low Temperature Pyrolisis Transformation to Recycle Marine Litter
The main goal of WP4 is to deliver a fully portable prototype employing SINTOL’s innovative technology for marine litter transformation into marine fuels using low temperature pyrolysis. The second objective is the complete assessment of the fuel quality and environmental impact of the prototype. Hence, appropriate analysis will be performed on actual samples collected during the prototype operation using marine litter, collected within activities of WP2 and WP3, as feedstock.
WP 5 – Governance Supporting Tools, Mainstreaming and Policy Uptake of Project Results
The main task of WP5 is to ensure that the outputs and achievements of the project act as reference in the establishment and adoption of government initiatives for the marine litter management. Additionally, one of the objectives is the development of a modeling tool able to simulate the dispersion of the sinking marine litter in order to identify sea-floor marine litter hotspot